Business Navigators facilitates several meeting types that meet the needs of our clients.
- Reverse – Flow – Changes the direction of the top-down information flow regarding issues. We start with employees first then work our way up toward managers and then owners. This process moves the company from good to great.
- Job Cost – After a production project is complete, we ask the participants the question “did it meet budgeted goals or not?” and most importantly “what could we have done differently to achieve better results”.
- I.B.S. – Identifies important issues that are acting as barriers to company success and finally focuses on the Strategies that, when implemented, will reduce, or eliminate the most consequential barriers.
- C.A.M. – The Critical Action Matrix is a forecasting tool which focuses on the seven areas of a company. And then we look at the past and the next twelve months finally identifying the variance between the two. This forms the foundation of the actions which are critical to be implemented. At his point the company goals are ready to reach for the next year.
Central to everything we do is the Reverse-Flow meeting.